Saturday, September 21, 2013

Hello, my name is Deb, and I am addicted to shoes.

Yes, that's me.  A shoe addict, so to speak.  I am known far and wide for my love of shoes, especially with my preference of high heels and edgy styles (fashion over function, mainly).  I have a shoe collection that I am beyond proud of, consisting of - well, let's just say MANY - pairs at the moment. 

I have had the idea for a while to start a blog to profess my love and share my knowledge of all things shoes.  Now it's time to get this blog going.  This is my first post, and there will be many, many more.  Feel free to leave me a comment about my musings.  If you are also of the shoe persuasion, make sure to give me a follow as well.  I look forward to meeting fellow shoe addicts! ;-)


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