Thursday, April 3, 2014

Will Work For Shoes

I know we all joke about working for this or that, and I've always said I would work for shoes...  It finally happened last month.  Besides being a shoe addict, I am an artist/graphic designer and I designed a logo for my friend's new photography business.  She asked me what I wanted for payment, and I thought I'd probably buy shoes with the money anyway so why doesn't she just pay me for the work done with shoes?!

I picked out a few different pairs that I had on my wish list and told her to surprise me with her selection.  Yesterday these were the ones that showed up at my door (I promised to show her a photo of them).  They're called "Telisa" by Beau+Ashe from ShoeDazzle

My quick review of Telisa:  As a 6.5, they're true to size.  They could definitely use some extra padding.  They are extremely easy to walk in for someone who wears high heels.  An expensive looking shoe, very well made.  The ankle strap is non-adjustable and I have skinny ankles.  There isn't a lot of extra room on my ankles so an average sized ankle or smaller is all that will fit in these.  Overall, very happy with them!

Jeci was also my good luck charm in the "shoefie" contest I won the other day.  She made sure that I was participating, and I'm really glad she did.  With her encouragement (which happened to be right when I was starting my photo shoot) and me knowing her photography skills, I took the time to get THE most perfect photo of my new shoes to submit - it only took 14 tries! 

Everything worked out in the end for both of us, so thank you Jeci for both the shoes and for being my cheerleader!  Best of luck with your new endeavor!! =)

1 comment:

  1. Wooohoooo!! Nothing like awesome friends and shoes!! =D


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